Who We Are

Hummingbird International Group (HBIG) is a global-focused firm specialized in executive business consulting and health consulting.
Our team has 20+ years of experience in strategic and commercial decision-making.

What We Do

Executive Management Consulting


  • We are experts in modelling, strategic planning, competitive intelligence, launching brands, shopper marketing, GIS and performance management.
  • We create Consumer Profiling & Segmentation strategies that unlock new commercial opportunities internationally.
  • We identify operational efficiencies and deploy innovative solutions to inform smarter decision-making.
  • We use data science supported by information system design.

Health and Beauty Consulting


  • Our division provides services for clients seeking adventure, health, medical and beauty aesthetic improvements in Korea. Services range from organizing medical consultation, health check-ups to facilitating complex surgeries.
  • We are helping our customers to improve their health and find medical solutions with the best doctors in Korea.


Experience. Years of successful business solution and consultancy.

Trust. Availability, accessibility, and reliability.

Client Satisfaction. 100% client satisfaction guarantee.